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Muéggen (Muvégghini)

The name derives from the Arabic muagen (cistern) and from the massive presence of these elements, typical of the Pantelleria architecture. The city quarter is characterized by its panorama and by its archaeological sites. The patron saint is Sant'Antonio d'Abate, to whom the charming little church rebuilt in 1796 was dedicated. It opens only once a year, on the Monday after Easter. Once there was a dense inhabited centre, now completely disappeared.

Municipality: Pantelleria (TP) | Region: Sicily | View on Map
Trail No. 978V: Church of Sant'Antonio
Trail No. 978V: Church of Sant'Antonio
(photo by Piergiacomo)
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Via San Nicola, 5 - 91017 Pantelleria (TP)
Codice fiscale: 93077090814