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What vegetation populates the shores?

The vegetation of Lake Bagno dell'Acqua is made up of a mosaic of communities with different degrees of development and conservation. Along the south coast, the communities are better preserved and arranged in a characteristic order. Close to the road that surrounds the basin, there is a narrow fragmented belt of vegetation dominated by Limonium secundirameum, an endemic species adapted to arid, clayey, and saline environments.
The presence of Cynodon dactylon testifies to the excessive trampling and eutrophication of the soil. This is followed by the community of plants of humid environments, with Cyperus laevigatus and Schoenoplectus litoralis colonizing shallow waters.
In the southern sector, less disturbed by man, Schoenoplectus litoralis develops optimally, accompanied by Typha angustifolia near the thermal spring. In the early years of the new millennium, a population of common reed (Phragmites australis) settled, an invasive species that requires monitoring and control to avoid the extinction of the original endemic communities.
Limonium secundirameum
Limonium secundirameum
(photo by Parco Nazionale Isola di Pantelleria)
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