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Why eradicate the common reed?

The common reed (Phragmites australis subsp. australis), typical of humid environments, is a species that favors bank stabilization and contributes to biodiversity.
However, it is not considered ideal for Pantelleria according to botanical studies. It is likely that it arrived on the island in 2010 via seeds transported by migratory birds. In ten years, it has spread over about 900 m2, although it remains confined to the arrival area. In 2022, an increase in the population with lateral ramifications (stolons) was observed, threatening the surrounding communities of endemic and rare plants. Three small nuclei, derived from seeds, were also found along the eastern shore of the lake. The Park Authority has decided to eradicate the daughter populations and contain the parent population by removing the stolons and topping the plants, to prevent flowering and fruiting.
Why eradicate the common reed?
Why eradicate the common reed?
(photo by Parco Nazionale Isola di Pantelleria)
Phragmites australis subsp. australis
Phragmites australis subsp. australis
(photo by Parco Nazionale Isola di Pantelleria)
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