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Endemic species: why are they so important?

Endemic species have a very limited geographical distribution, often confined to single islands or particular environments. Many Mediterranean islands present both plant and animal endemics, the result of unique and unrepeatable evolution in the history of life on Earth.
Their loss would therefore represent an irreparable damage to biodiversity. Lake Bagno dell'Acqua, which represents a geological and environmental unicum on the island, is home to flora and fauna of great originality, as also witnessed by the inclusion of the island and its natural environments in two "Natura 2000" Sites.
From a botanical point of view, the lake presents a "jewel" of great value: the Limonium secundirameum, as well as African species found exclusively along the shores: Cyperus laevigatus and Schoenoplectus litoralis. From a zoological point of view, it hosts animals present exclusively around the lake such as the Stenostoma cossyrense beetle and the Grillotalpa cossyrensis. The protection of these species is crucial for preserving the area's biodiversity.
Stenostoma cossyrense
Stenostoma cossyrense
(photo by Parco Nazionale Isola di Pantelleria)
Gryllotalpa cossirensis
Gryllotalpa cossirensis
(photo by Parco Nazionale Isola di Pantelleria)
Limonium secundirameum
Limonium secundirameum
(photo by Parco Nazionale Isola di Pantelleria)
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