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Punta Spadillo Information Point

91017 Pantelleria (TP) | View on Map
Municipality: Pantelleria

At the Volcanologic Museum of Punta Spadillo, the National Park Visitor Centre, visitors can find the information point, run in collaboration with the Park Guides and volunteers. Here they can receive information, advice and informative material. This reception point is also a meeting point for guided tours and visits to the island of Pantelleria.

Opening times: In the morning 9.00 am - noon | In the afternoon 4.00 pm - 7.00 pm

Punta Spadillo Information Point
Punta Spadillo Information Point
(photo by Parco Nazionale Isola di Pantelleria)
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© 2024 - Ente Parco Nazionale Isola di Pantelleria
Via San Nicola, 5 - 91017 Pantelleria (TP)
Codice fiscale: 93077090814