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First international meeting APIS SILVATICA - Oral Communications and Posters

We kindly ask authors to use the templates below to prepare the extended abstracts for oral presentations and posters, as well as the posters themselves.

  • Upload the extended abstract of your presentation or poster (one zip file only, named name_surname.zip, 200 GB max)

All the contributions - both posters and presentations - will be published as an insert of the magazine "Il Naturalista Siciliano".

For each contribution (poster, oral presentation) an extended abstract will be published: authors must prepare it using the template which can be downloaded here.

Poster print: € 7. In order to make the posters printable, they have to follow the template which can be downloaded from this page, and be submitted in pdf no later than 15 April 2022.

Submission deadlines are as follows:

  • Before April 10th: submission of extended abstracts for posters/presentations
  • Before April 20th: reply by the Scientific Committee
  • Before April 25th: Payment of the participation fee
  • Before April 25th: submission of the pdf for poster printing


under the patronage of:


(photo by PN Isola di Pantelleria)
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