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First international meeting APIS SILVATICA - Participation fees

Face to face

Participation fee: € 250

Reduced participation fee: € 150
(for students, PhD students, postdoctoral researchers - a certification signed by the tutor/coordinator is required)

The participation fee (both full and reduced) covers:
  • Gala dinner on Monday evening
  • Four lunches (Tuesday to Friday)
  • Morning and afternoon coffee breaks
  • Friday afternoon tour
  • Welcome kit
  • Pdf of conference proceedings

For accompanying people, the fee for social dinner and excursion is € 50


Participation fee: € 30


Giornata Mondiale delle Api:

In Italian only. Participation is free for those who wish to attend to the final day only, in Italian; limited available places.


under the patronage of:


(photo by PN Isola di Pantelleria)
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