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First international meeting APIS SILVATICA

The western honey bee in nature. Pantelleria May 16-20, 2022

Inviting scientists and activists studying free-living colonies of Apis mellifera, their relationship to other pollinators, managed colonies and ecosystems.

The conference will take place at the Cossyra Hotel, in contrada Mursia, Pantelleria, with a limit of 100 participants in attendance, and will be videotransmitted on the Internet, with the sending of links reserved for a maximum of 200 online participants.

Each day will involve presentations by leading researchers, a poster session to showcase relevant projects and studies around the world and round table discussions to define the contents of The Pantelleria Declaration.

Participation in the conference will include an excursion in the Parco Nazionale Isola di Pantelleria, including visits to organic farms, free-living honey bee colonies and sites of historical interest and natural beauty.

The last day of the meeting will be held in Italian, all the other days in English.

For the secretariat of the Conference, transport and accommodation on the island, refer to the Pantelleria Island Tour Operator at the following link: 

 To register your interest and for further details please email:


under the patronage of:







(photo by PN Isola di Pantelleria)
Unmanaged colony of Apis mellifera settled inside a natural cavity in the vulcanic stone in Pantelleria
Unmanaged colony of Apis mellifera settled inside a natural cavity in the vulcanic stone in Pantelleria
(photo by Paolo Fontana)
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Via San Nicola, 5 - 91017 Pantelleria (TP)
Codice fiscale: 93077090814