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The minor fauna of the lake

Several aquatic insect and crustacean species have adapted to the particular physical-chemical conditions of Lake Bagno dell'Acqua, including the Ephemeroptera Betide Cloeon dipterum, various Odonata (Dragonflies), three species of Dytiscid beetles, several Hydrophilid beetles and Corixid Heteroptera, as well as Cladoceran crustaceans. Carabids typical of humid sandy environments and Tenebrionids of arid sandy environments integrate the coleopterofauna.
Numerous then are the insect species with a predominantly North African distribution that can reach more northern stations such as Pantelleria (and sometimes Lampedusa or southern Sardinia) such as, among the Coleoptera, the Nitidulide Clypeogethes elongatus, the rare Melolontide Pachydema hirticollis, the splendid Hymenoptera Chrysidide Chrysis tricolor, testifying to the links between the island and the African shores of the Mediterranean.
Crisidide Chrysis tricolor
Crisidide Chrysis tricolor
(photo by Marcello Romano)
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