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Secondary volcanism: gas emission

Volcanic activity, during the quiescent phase, is often followed or accompanied by various phenomena, including the emission of gas and high-temperature water.

Gas emissions are distinguished into:

  • fumaroles: emissions of water vapor at high temperature;
  • mofettes: emissions of carbon dioxide which, being heavier than air, stagnates on the ground;
  • stinkpots: cold emissions of hydrogen sulfide and other sulfur gases (present in Tuscany);
  • sulfur vents: hot emissions of sulfurous gaseous compounds (the sulfur vents of Pozzuoli, in Tuscany, are well known in Italy);
  • blowholes: emissions of water vapor at high temperature and pressure, in the form of violent jets, which can be exploited as a form of geothermal energy (the boric acid blowholes of Larderello, in Tuscany, are famous in Italy).
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