
The Natural Landscape

The coastal and the inland areas of the island

Exploring Pantelleria from the coast or from the inland means discovering two different faces of the island, two parallel worlds that overlap and complement each other. While the coasts of the island are shaped by the erosive action of the sea and the wind, creating corners of rare beauty, the inner part has been shaped by the various volcanic eruptions that overlapped in the last 50,000 years, creating unexpected, sometimes inaccessible scenarios.
Below there is a brief description of what could be observed along the coastal or in the inland areas of ​​the island, where the traditional rural and the natural landscapes create spectacular environments. The secondary volcanism of Pantelleria deserves a different mention, a trace of the underlying volcano that emerges from the depths of the Sicilian Channel.
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© 2025 - Ente Parco Nazionale Isola di Pantelleria
Via San Nicola, 5 - 91017 Pantelleria (TP)
Codice fiscale: 93077090814