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Benikulà Natural Sauna Information Point

91017 Sibà (TP) | View on Map
Municipality: Pantelleria

In the district of Sibà, in the locality of Benikulá, along the ridge of the Montagna Grande, there is a natural cave in the soda trachytic lava rock, opened in a large fault and divided, since ancient times, into two spaces: the first external one, the "frigidarium", with a view of the large plain of Monastero, surrounded by the typical dukkéne (stone seats), and the smaller internal one, where water vapour reaches around 38 °C.

The emission of this steam is due to the heating of an aquifer, thus highlighting the phenomena of secondary volcanism. The Benikulà Cave, of natural origin, also known as Bagno Asciutto, can be considered a real natural sauna.

In the Benikulà car park before reaching the geological site from Sibà there is an information point and dry toilet available for visitors.

Opening times: In the morning 09.00 am - noon | In the afternoon 4.00 pm - 7.00 pm

Benikulà Natural Sauna Information Point
Benikulà Natural Sauna Information Point
(photo by Parco Nazionale Isola di Pantelleria)
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