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Volcanologic Museum of Punta Spadillo

91017 Punta Spadillo (TP) | View on Map
Municipality: Pantelleria

Tel. 0923/569412
E-mail: info@parconazionalepantelleria.it

The Visitor Centre of the Pantelleria National Park, located inside the Volcanologic Museum, opened at the end of the summer in 2010, had been realised thanks to the restoration of a II World War military structure. It is located in Punta Spadillo, in the eastern part of the island, at the core of many itineraries.

Around 50 samples of rocks, representing the wide volcanologic variety of Pantelleria and 17 panels about its volcanic history are present in the three rooms. Two more panels are dedicated to the hikers-naturalists with details of the main geological, petrological and volcanologic features that will be encountered during the two recommended itineraries. It is open to all tourists who want to deepen technical knowledge of the area, thanks to the collaboration of the technical staff, of the National Park, of the CAI guides (Italian Alpine Club) and of the staff of the Forestry Service, who will be available for carrying tourists who want to discover many aspects ranging from biological endemisms to volcanoes, the path network, the typical agricultural productions, the Pantelleria rural architecture, the history of the island and its toponymy.
A new look, of a strategic and suggestive site that becomes the starting point of the visit to the Pantelleria island, through a path that is divided into thematic areas: a room dedicated to the activities of the Park, with a giant picture of the path network and its description; a room dedicated to geovulcanological aspects and a room dedicated to biodiversity.
It is a strategy that the Park Authority wants to activate, with the collaboration of the island's experts and connoisseurs. This strategy, starting from September, provides for the organization of thematic information seminars ("Gli incontri con il Parco"), with the aim of a deep knowledge of the territory and of collecting suggestions from the participants.

Volcanologic Museum
Volcanologic Museum
(photo by Parco Nazionale Isola di Pantelleria)
Lighthouse of Punta Spadillo
Lighthouse of Punta Spadillo
(photo by Parco Nazionale Isola di Pantelleria)
Volcanologic Museum: panels on rocks
Volcanologic Museum: panels on rocks
(photo by Parco Nazionale Isola di Pantelleria)
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© 2025 - Ente Parco Nazionale Isola di Pantelleria
Via San Nicola, 5 - 91017 Pantelleria (TP)
Codice fiscale: 93077090814